Clare County Review & Marion Press News

Harrison man who threated to kill judge, turn wife into food on Twitter will undergo treatment

By Kaitlyn Campbell

A Harrison man posted on Twitter last year about his desire to kill 55th Circuit Court Judge Roy G. Mienk and grind his wife into meat pasties. As a result of his cannibalistic threats, he faced federal charges. Now, after being in jail for more than a year, he has been court-ordered to receive in-patient psychological treatment.
According to an article from MLive, U.S. District Judge Thomas L. Ludington sentenced 46-year-old Jeremy Adams to 13 months of incarceration on July 26, which he has already served since he has been in custody since June 27, 2022. Ludington then ordered Adams to be on supervised release for three years.
The judge also ordered Adams to be released into a mental health treatment facility, where he is to stay for up to 90 days, along with orders to take all prescribed medications and to have no contact with his victims.
Back in March, Adams pleaded guilty to using the internet to communicate an interstate threat to kill or injure. The charge can bring up to five years in prison followed by up to three years of supervised release and a $250,000 fine.
In pleading, Adams admitted to posting threats against his neighbor, his wife, and their children on Twitter and Reddit on May 5, 2022. He then made threats to kill Judge Mienk and his wife on Twitter on June 14.
In the article from MLive, an affidavit from the FBI was contained in court files. On May 5, the FBI learned of a Twitter and Reddit account making threats online. Both were determined to be operated by Adams.
The first tweet that was mentioned in the affidavit was posted on May 2, directed against Adams’ neighbors, saying that they “have all participated in my torture and manipulation.” He then later went on to say that he planned to “start shooting those have been keeping me captive. If there is an open opportunity to kill oppressors, I am going to take it.”
Clare County Sheriff’s deputies had informed the FBI that they were aware of an ongoing dispute between Adams and his neighbors.
In a series of tweets made on June 14, Adams said that he doesn’t condone the hunting and murdering of judges, with the exception of a “dishonorable judge mench.” He then went on to tweet that he would kill the judge after forcing him to watch him kill his wife, put her through a meat grinder, and turn her into meat pasties.
“Don’t worry, I can make a nice butter, flaky crust and yall wont be able to tell its human meat,” Adams tweeted. “He abused his power. I am going to take his life, gladly.”
He then tweeted that he would go around Clare County and kill all of the judge’s family members.
Adams tagged the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Michigan State Police, the FBI, and the U.S. Marshals Services in the tweets.
In the affidavit, the FBI wrote that there is no Judge Mench in Michigan, but Adams has had a personal protection order denied to him by Judge Mienk.
“just so we are absolutely clear,” starts a post that Adams had put on his Reddit account on May 26, “My targets are not random and random humans will not be harmed. I only want those in the MCs that have tortured and manipulated me for almost 7 years. My list includes the wives they used against me and the children they also used against me but no innocents.”

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