Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

Paw Paw Village Council approves special assessment for police department

By Paul Garrod
Staff Writer

PAW PAW – At the Paw Paw Village Council’s June 12 meeting, a Special Assessment for the Village of Paw Paw Police Department was approved.
In place since 2016, this year the assessment will levy three mills, totaling $262,845.50, according to Paw Paw Village Manager Will Joseph.
Joseph said, “Calls to our police department have been on the rise in recent years and we take more than average amount of calls than similarly sized communities and police departments.  We do have regular calls for service to Walmart for retail fraud and related incidents. I will say that we have a great relationship with Walmart management and their security staff at our local store,” said Joseph.
He added, “I would like to thank our Village Council and community for their support of the Police Department. We work diligently to provide the best public safety services available and be responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars.”

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