Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Allegan city council approves Master Plan

By Gari Voss

The Allegan City Council met on Monday, June 26, 2023, after many of the councilmembers enjoyed the food trucks set up around the city for Fork in the Road. The meeting began with requests for help with water bills from two property owners. The two property owners have not requested that the water service be turned on, but they are receiving bills. For one, this was not the first request. For the other, there was great frustration. City Manager Joel Dye had his staff take their information for follow-up.
A request was received from the Lions Club to waive the fee for their July 5th annual potluck at the Jaycee Park pavilion. The city staff will work with the Lions to determine the payment of the $20 fee.
Commission Reports
During the Commission reports, Mayor Teresa Galloway shared that the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) had reviewed the Streetscape lighting, furniture and bike racks that had been designed by the Allegan Area Vocational Technology students. In addition, they learned the Refuse Program was moving along, and the State of MI is paying 75% of the Wayfinding Signage.
Councilmember Bill Morgan summarized that the plans for Rossman Park needed a little tweaking but were basically done. The Oakwood Cemetery Living Tour went well. There had been some discussion regarding the color of furniture, but other items were fine. The Commissioners wish to take a field trip to the Girl Scout property. Korree Johnson will represent the group on the Wayfinding Committee.
The Planning Commission voted to take the Master Plan to the City Council for approval. Councilmember Roger Bird stated that the commissioners are ready to move forward with reviewing ordinances since some need alignment and reformatting.
The Council then took up the recommendation to approve the City’s Master Plan. Dye reminded the group that the review and development of the Plan began before COVID-19 began. The Council was referred to p. 62 that becomes the guide for the development committee. The new plan allows for some zoning changes that address alternative property use. There will be a Mixed Industrial Commercial to allow for more areas like Airway Drive. Residential Flexible (RF) will allow for alternative forms of housing in underdeveloped areas. The changes will allow neighborhoods to build more creative homes while preserving residential areas where there is a set design. Some areas must be left open because they are environmentally sensitive like the Armintrout-Milbocker Preserve and Sports Complex.
The Council approved the Master Plan. The Parks Plan is referenced but that will be addressed later.
Financial items began with the approval of accounts payable in the amount of $205,796.18 and payroll in the amount of $123,464.70 for a total disbursement of $329,260.88.
The request from the Police Department to spend $7,440 for bullet proof vests was approved. In addition, a request to apply for a grant to reimburse the cost was approved. The cost of the vest upgrade is already in the budget.
Several Water Utility requests made by Water Plant Manager Zac Kortz were accepted:
The City of Allegan Source Water Coloring contest will run from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. The contest can be entered by youth in and out of the city. Posters are available at City Hall.
Kortz asked that Arnsman Septic Service and Excavating be approved for the construction of an equipment access drive at the water plant in the amount of $26,401. The roads on the east and south sides of the building need extra maintenance because of the traffic in these areas. The repairs were postponed because machinery was stuck on the route. It requires a partial adjustment of $20,000 from the department’s 2024 fund balance for the project.
The request to approve a purchase order for Peerless Midwest Inc. for the abandonment of well #4 in the amount of $7,847.00 was made. Kortz explained that well #4 behind the Griswold has not been used for 40 years, but EGLE requires that it be tested and maintained as if it was active. The project is in the FY2024 budget. Once the well is capped, it will never be placed back on the grid.
City Manager & Clerk
The budgeted amount for the Streetscape furniture had been set aside earlier in the construction project. The Council approved the request to create a purchase order for street furniture as part of the Downtown Infrastructure and Streetscape project. Dye explained that the $200,000 would be used only by the DDA and Public Spaces Commission for furniture. Dye and Parker Johnson have been working with a Kalamazoo group. In addition, Johnson is researching replacing the current garbage cans that are downtown.
A question was posed regarding security for the furniture. Dye explained that security for these items relates to the design and weight that would deter walking away. Apple air tags along with security cameras have been explored. Johnson has just received real samples of colors that have arrived to determine colors to accent the basic black of the majority of furniture. This pool of money is for Streetscape only with the balance to be returned to the General Fund.
Discussion moved to the undercroft of City Hall. When City Hall was relocated to Trowbridge and Chestnut Streets, it was known that there was extra space. Two offices on the 1st floor have been leased. No one has been interested in the basement even though a goal was to lease this space. Dye wanted to know if the city staff should attempt to lease it as is or hire an architect to design the area into office space or talk with perspective residents to lease at a reduced rate with the agreement that they would make the appropriate improvements. The city has not marketed the space with a realtor, but councilmembers voiced that they do not want to build it out.
The Council approved the request for an Insurance Counseling Service Agreement with Phil Siegler of Bartz Rumery Agency to serve as the City of Allegan Insurance Consultant. Financial Officer Tracy Stull shared that the city has used Phil Siegler for quite some time. Mr. Siegler has kept his fee at $4,500, and he evaluates, advises, and assists the City regarding various insurance programs and requirements, including securing quotes for various insurance coverages.
Stull’s request for the renewal of various insurance policies held by the City of Allegan was approved. Stull listed the various policies to cover the City’s entities including drone and Airport liability paid previously and the cyber policy.
Communications From City Manager, Council & Mayor
City Clerk Michaela Kleehammer’s redistricting resolution was on hold for a week. The Election Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 28th.
The July 4th Parade needs councilmembers. Members should be at the head of Water Street at 5:20pm, and the Parade will begin at 5:30pm and travel down Water and Trowbridge Streets.
Johnson shared that the food trucks would be in the parking lot by Hanson Park, with smaller wagons on the riverfront, and some by Sherwood Cove.
Council members expressed their excitement in seeing the wider walkways and streets. The Food Trucks each Monday shows a great job.
Concern for the Water Street Boardwalk that seems to be sinking was expressed. It seems that the boardwalk has not been cleaned. In some places the cement is cracked while other places are sinking.
Dye would love to have a volunteer group that will maintain public spaces each Saturday like some small towns have. Dye will talk with the landscaping group and some students to clean up vegetation.
Overall, the council members have been impressed with how the city and visitors are showing up for events. It is “cool” to see the resiliency now, and members are looking forward to what it will be like when construction is done.

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