Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

300 people gather to dedicate new Pullman memorial

Pullman, MI’s Memorial Day Remembrance on May 29, 2023 was one that will not be soon forgotten. About 300 people gathered in Pullman’s Town Square for the dedication of the Veterans Memorial. What began as a wishful utterance by Commander Jamie Austin of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Ralph Daily Jr. Post 6134, turned out to be a sculpture created by Mike Kiefer honoring all of the armed services, a wall of more than 400 veteran names, remembrance bricks donated by community members and a reflection bench.
Retired Naval Commander Bruce Webb summed it up. “This Memorial is important for several reasons. First, it reminds us of the sacrifice and service of so many from this community. Another, vets can come, sit and reflect on the reflection bench, which can be very healing. Finally, it builds connections between those who have past and the newer generations. People of the past may not seem tangible to the younger generation until they can talk, or discuss. This helps build the reality between past and present.”
In checking with Kathy Hoffman, a granddaughter of Dora Dailey who had eight sons who she sent to war, “This memorial is especially meaningful to the Blue Star Mothers, or those who have sent their children to serve. Dora just wanted all to return. The only one who did not was Ralph, Jr.”
There were 17 chapters of the Blue Star Mothers represented at the Town Square Memorial. Many of these stayed to have a wonderful lunch of baked chicken, beans, salad, watermelon and more.
If Pullman knows how to throw a Remembrance Service, it also has the capacity to have one super parade. With the Lee Township Fire trucks and 1st response team plus Life EMS, everyone up and down 109th Ave. became involved. Add the Bloomingdale High School Royalty and Band, a float with kids throwing candy, some beautiful horses, ORVs decorated in flags, and an 80 degree day, and no one dared rain on this parade!
As school ends and summer officially begins, the Town Square is looking forward to having Farmers Markets and the wonderful Pullman Pride Days.

2 Replies to “300 people gather to dedicate new Pullman memorial

  1. It was an honor to attend this dedication. Was impressed with the community lunch… just a positive experience all around.

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