Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

City of Plainwell honors Lamorandier on Arbor Day

City of Plainwell mayor Brad Keeler (right) honors former city employee Sandra Lamorandier (left) during an Arbor Day ceremony on Friday, April 28. (Photo by Jason Wesseldyk)

By Jason Wesseldyk
Sports Editor

Sandra Lamorandier provided nearly five decades of service to the City of Plainwell.
And on Friday, April 28, she was recognized in a fitting way.
In celebration of Arbor Day, the City of Plainwell dedicated a serviceberry tree that had been planted in from of the Department of Public Safety in honor of Lamorandier.
Lamorandier started working part-time for the city at age 17, working in the Public Safety Department. She eventually worked her way up to the positing of personnel manager, a role she filled until her retirement in October 2022.
All told, Lamorandier spent 48 years working for the city. She has also donated countless volunteer hours to various projects.
“Sandy played an active role on the Parks and Trees Committee, working on the flowers in our downtown, as this is something that was very dear to her heart,” Plainwell community development manager Denise Siegel said.
It was the Parks and Tree Committee that nominated Lamorandier to be the recipient of this year’s Arbor Day tree.
During the ceremony honoring Lamorandier, Plainwell mayor Brad Keeler read the following proclamation:
“Whereas in 1872, Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees and
“Whereas this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska, and
“Whereas Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and
“Whereas trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen, and provide habitat for wildlife, and
“Whereas trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires and countless other wood products, and
“Whereas trees in our city increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas and beautify our community, and
“Whereas trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal.
“Now, therefore, I, Brad Keeler, mayor of the City of Plainwell, do hereby proclaim Friday, April 28, 2023, Arbor Day in the City of Plainwell, and I urge all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands, and
“Further, I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the heart and promote the well-being of this and future generations. This year’s City tree is planted in recognition of many years of service to our country and dedication to our community by Sandra Lamorandier.”

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