Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

Fire destroys pole barn, damages Paw Paw apartment

By Paul Garrod
Staff Writer

PAW PAW – The Paw Paw Fire Department responded to a fully involved pole barn fire Monday at approximately 9:03 a.m. The fire was reported in the 40900 block of Paw Paw Road. Arriving at the scene firefighters found the 25×25 pole barn structure had collapsed due to the fire.
Paw Paw Fire Chief Jim DeGroff said department members were able to save nearby buildings. He said the pole barn was a total loss. Fire department members remained at the scene for approximately two hours.
Assisting at the scene were the Van Buren Sheriff’s Office, Paw Paw Quick Response and Van Buren Emergency Medical Services.
The Paw Paw Fire Department also responded to an apartment fire, Tuesday, April 25, at approximately 6:39 p.m. at Lyon Apartments, 518 River Road. Fire Chief DeGroff said an electrical fire was reported in a third-floor apartment. Responding to the call one minute after it was received by the fire department, the fire was contained to one apartment.
A total of 26 firefighters responded to the call. Assisting agencies included Van Buren Emergency Medical Services, Paw Paw Quick response Team, Paw Paw Police Department, and the American Red Cross, who assisted in helping apartment residents in shelters.

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